Renault-Nissan promoverá el uso de vehículos eléctricos en Hong Kong

La alianza Renault-Nissan promoverá el uso de vehículos de emisiones cero en Hong Kong en virtud del acuerdo alcanzado con la Oficina de Medio Ambiente de la región, informaron hoy los fabricantes.

 Con el acuerdo con Hong Kong la alianza ha formado asociaciones con 23 gobiernos, ciudades y otras organizaciones para avanzar en el despliegue de vehículos en todo el mundo. Así ya ha firmado en Japón, Israel, Dinamarca, Portugal, Mónaco, Reino Unido, Francia, Suiza, Irlanda y China.

En Estados Unidos, Renault-Nissan está explorando formas de promover la movilidad no contaminante y el desarrollo de una infraestructura de estaciones de recarga para vehículos eléctricos en varios estados y ciudades.

En el caso del nuevo convenio en Hong Kong, la alianza ha suscrito una carta de intenciones con el secretario de Medioambiente de Hong Kong, Adward Yau, por la que se comprometen a crear un equipo de trabajo conjunto para identificar potenciales áreas de cooperación.

El vicepresidente de Nissan, Andy Palmer, manifestó en un comunicado la satisfacción del grupo de convertirse en socio del Gobierno de Hong Kong. "La tecnología para la movilidad de emisiones cero es una realidad y estamos completamente dispuestos y comprometidos a hacerla llegar al mundo en un futuro cercano", aseguró.


Renault-Nissan Alliance Partners with Environment Bureau of Hong Kong government for Zero-Emission Mobility

Tokyo (April 24, 2009) – The Renault-Nissan Alliance (the Alliance) have formed a partnership to explore the development of Zero Emission Vehicles program with Environment Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The two organizations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the presence of Edward Yau, secretary for the environment of Hong Kong and Andy Palmer, senior vice president of Nissan. Under the MOU, a working team of representatives from the Hong Kong government and Nissan will be set up to identify potential areas of co-operation in promoting the use of zero emission vehicles in Hong Kong.

"Today, Nissan is proud to partner with the Hong Kong government through the signing of this MOU," said Andy Palmer. "Technology for zero emissions mobility is a reality and we are fully prepared and committed to bringing this technology to the world in the very near future."

The Alliance aims to take the leadership of zero-emission mobility in the automotive industry and will start mass-marketing electric vehicles globally in 2012.

Edward Yau said, "Electric vehicles with zero emissions can help improve our roadside air quality. Our partnership with Nissan will serve as a strong support for the promotion of zero-emission mobility in Hong Kong."

The Alliance has begun ZEV initiatives in Kanagawa Prefecture and Yokohama in Japan, as well as in Israel, Denmark, Portugal, Monaco, UK, France, Switzerland, Ireland, and China.

In the United States, the Alliance is exploring ways to promote zero-emission mobility and the development of an EV infrastructure in the State of Tennessee, the State of Oregon, Sonoma County and San Diego in California, Tucson and Phoenix in Arizona.

The Alliance has formed partnerships with 23 governments, cities and other organizations to advance the deployment of EVs worldwide.