El G-8 acuerda reducir las emisiones de CO2 en un 80% para 2050

Los países ricos del G8 y los países emergentes del G5 han acordado establecer como objetivo limitar el aumento de la temperatura media global en dos grados centígrados, según dijo una fuente del gobierno italiano.

Según esta fuente, este consenso supondría el primer acuerdo firme entre el G8 y el G5 sobre asuntos climáticos.

El G8 (EE UU, Japón, Alemania, Reino Unido, Francia, Canadá, Italia y Rusia) anunciará esta tarde una declaración junto al G5 (China, la India, Brasil, Suráfrica y México) sobre asuntos climáticos.

Antes de que comenzara la cumbre del G8 de L’Aquila, China y la India se negaron a alcanzar compromisos concretos sobre la reducción de CO2, durante una reunión del Foro de Principales Economías (FPE) celebrada en Roma.

El acuerdo comunicado por una fuente diplomática no implica un compromiso de las economías emergentes para una reducción de emisiones, pero supone un acercamiento entre los dos grupos de países en la lucha contra el cambio climático.

Los países del G8 se comprometieron ayer a reducir sus emisiones de CO2 en un 80 por ciento para 2050 y afirmaron que el resto del mundo debería reducirlas en un 50 por ciento para la misma fecha.

El G8 y el G5 se reunirán durante la cumbre con otras grandes economías que forman parte del FPE (Australia, Corea del Sur, Indonesia y Dinamarca), un grupo ampliado de países que en conjunto representa la inmensa mayoría de las emisiones de CO2 del mundo.

El secretario general de las Naciones Unidas (ONU), Ban Ki-moon, se mostró insatisfecho con los acuerdos climáticos alcanzados ayer en la primera jornada de la cumbre de L’Aquila por los países del G-8.

El surcoreano dijo a los periodistas al llegar a la cumbre que los objetivos de reducción de emisiones autoimpuestos por el G-8 no son "suficientes", en referencia a la decisión de los países más industrializados de reducir en un 80 % las emisiones de C02 para 2050.

Según el secretario general de la ONU, se trata de "un imperativo moral y político" luchar contra el cambio climático, ya que se está viviendo una "responsabilidad histórica" respecto al medio ambiente, la humanidad y el planeta tierra.

La ambición de los países europeos de lograr una reducción importante de las emisiones se han visto afectada por la decisión de China y la India de no comprometerse a un objetivo concreto para 2050. Ambos países han mostrado su escepticismo ante las peticiones del G-8 en temas climáticos durante una reunión del G-8, el G-5 y otras cuatro grandes economías celebrada en Roma antes de la cumbre de L’Aquila.

Rusia rechaza objetivo de reducción de emisiones de gases del G8

Arkady Dvorkovich, principal asesor económico del presidente ruso, declaró que Rusia no puede aceptar el objetivo impuesto por los líderes del Grupo de los Ocho (G8) para los países desarrollados sobre una reducción del 80 por ciento de las emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero para el año 2050.

"Para nosotros, el recorte del 80 por ciento es inaceptable y seguramente inobtenible", señaló el asesor a la prensa, poco después de que los líderes del G8 acordaran el miércoles el objetivo para la reducción de las emisiones de gases contaminantes. "No sacrificaremos el crecimiento económico para lograr la reducción de la emisión", agregó Dvorkovich. Rusia es un miembro del G8.

Se pensaba que el presidente ruso Dmitry Medvedev había firmado la declaración que contiene el objetivo de la reducción, pero los comentarios del asesor han puesto ahora en duda que lo haya llevado a cabo. De acuerdo a la declaración, los líderes del G8 acordaron que las emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero deben reducirse al menos un 50 por ciento para el año 2050, así como que necesitan reducir las emisiones de gases en su conjunto por un 80 por ciento o más para el mismo año.

Dvorkovich anotó que no se ha logrado un consenso sobre el año base, del cual será calculada la reducción, provocando que las cifras sean menos relevantes.  "Esta cuestión es un misterio para todos", finalizó el asesor.


G-8 leaders agree on climate target

President Barack Obama joined other world leaders on Wednesday in backing new targets for battling global warming, a move the Bush White House had resisted.

White House officials confirmed that Obama agreed to language supporting a goal of keeping the world’s average temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

The agreement by the Group of Eight industrialized nations, meeting in Italy, marks a significant step in efforts to limit greenhouse gases blamed for the world’s rising temperature. The G-8 previously had not been able to agree on that temperature limit as a political goal.

It remains only a target, however, and it is far from clear that it will be met, especially as China, India and other rapidly industrializing nations generate and consume more energy from coal and other sources.

Climate change experts say the 2-degree threshold wouldn’t eliminate the risk of runaway climate change but would reduce it. Even a slight increase in average temperatures could wreak havoc on farmers around the globe, as seasons shift, crops fail and storms and droughts ravage fields, scientists say.

The G-8 leaders also agreed to a goal of having industrialized nations reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050. It would be part of a worldwide goal of a 50 percent cut in such gases from all nations, rich and poor.

James Connaughton, the chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality under President George W. Bush, said the G8 agreement goes a step further than a deal struck at a meeting last year in Japan by assigning a specific goal to industrialized nations. Developing countries back then balked at agreeing to a 50 percent worldwide reduction come 2050.

"This would appear to be a good-faith attempt to assure the developing countries that the developed countries will bear a greater proportion of the task," Connaughton said in an interview with The Associated Press.

White House adviser Mike Froman said the administration supports the new nonbinding goals. He said the starting point for the targeted reduction could be as early as 1990. The two goals will not be included in a declaration from a broader group that includes poor and developing nations that are wary about the potential impact of such reductions on emerging economies, Froman said.

Opponents say such sharp reductions in carbon emissions would hamper businesses and industries.

The Department of Energy in 2008 completed a study for the Bush White House in 2008 that showed if industrialized countries slashed their emissions by 80 percent, that would require developing countries to cut their future emissions by 65 percent to meet the worldwide target.

G-8 leaders also agreed that the global economy is too shaky to begin rolling back massive fiscal stimulus plans right now, according to a draft statement obtained by The Associated Press.

The leaders said in the draft that they "note some signs of stabilization" but continued to stress the difficult outlook instead of concerns over debt and high spending.

"The economic situation remains uncertain and significant risks remain to economic and financial stability," the draft read. "We will take, individually and collectively, the necessary steps to return the global economy to a strong, stable and sustainable growth path."

The leaders did commit to prepare exit strategies from the "unprecedented and concerted action" that has been taken to boost growth through government spending, low interest rates, and expansive monetary policy. Germany, worried about running up crippling debt, has pressed for spending restraint, while other major economies like Britain, Japan and the United States can’t rule out the need to pump in more money.

The measures include continuing the countries’ stimulus packages while keeping inflation under control, a particular German concern, while also ensuring that banks have enough cash to keep lending.

In the meantime, the nations will prepare exit strategies, with the help of the International Monetary Fund, which will vary from country to country as the measures themselves have, the draft said.

The leaders gathered Wednesday in the quake-devastated central Italian city of L’Aquila. Over dinner, they planned to turn their attention to world security issues ranging from Iran to North Korea.

Italian host Premier Silvio Berlusconi, welcomed the leaders, many of whom arrived at the summit in electric cars bearing their nation’s flag. Obama strolled into the summit site for the first G-8 meeting of his presidency.

The abrupt return home of Chinese President Hu Jintao after ethnic tensions soared in China’s western Xingjiang territory could weaken trust-building discussions on making further progress on climate change.

China is among five developing market economies — along with Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa — who are participating in the summit for the fifth straight year, joining the talks on Thursday to discuss bringing them on board, aid and development. Also joining are nine African nations and a forum on climate change.

The summit also will include a discussion on ways to expand the Group of Eight even further amid growing sentiment that world’s most-industrialized nations can no longer claim leadership on the global political and economic agenda.

Obama signed an $787 billion economic stimulus bill in February, but experts say only about 15 percent of that has made its way into the economy so far — creating a debate between the wait-and-see camp and economists who urge another stimulus, arguing the recession proved to be deeper and more devastating than originally believed.

The document also calls for a rapid conclusion to the stalled Doha trade round, but failed to set a deadline. G-8 leaders will discuss this with other leaders tomorrow, the statement said.

The G8 draft statement on the economy calls for an "enhanced global framework for financial regulation" and to address flaws in the current system to help prevent future economic crises, but fails to make any concrete proposals. Leaders say they will address issues such as executive pay, definition of capital, risk management and the regulation of hedge funds and credit rating agencies.