Salvado este trámite, ahora se está a la espera de la licencia para la instalación de la subestación eléctrica, una cuestión que podría estar resuelta en pocos días. De ser así y teniendo en cuenta que se tardará aproximadamente seis meses en construirlo, el parque eólico podría estar funcionando a finales de este mismo año o principios del próximo.
El proyecto contempla la instalación de doce aerogeneradores con una potencia total instalada de 23 megavatios, capaces de abastecer de suministro energético a una población de entre 30.000 y 40.000 personas.
Los aerogeneradores se instalarán junto al vertedero de La Victoria en una finca de propiedad municipal, lo que supondrá una importante inyección económica para las arcas municipales. Sólo por la puesta en marcha -en concepto de tasas administrativas y demás trámites- la empresa abonará al Ayuntamiento 431.315 euros y, posteriormente mientras dure la explotación de estas instalaciones, un canon anual de 30.000 euros.
Nek Eólica invertirá más de 34 millones de euros en la puesta en funcionamiento de este parque. A diferencia de otros existentes en los alrededores, éste contará con la línea eléctrica soterrada, lo que reducirá el impacto visual.Precisamente, y para preservar la avifauna de la zona, se ha elaborado un estudio de impacto ambiental de toda la actuación, que ya cuenta con el visto bueno y con el que se pretende garantizar la toma de medidas correctoras oportunas para la protección de las aves del entorno.
Andalucía es la región española más activa en cuanto a la instalación de turbinas eólicas, puesto que tiene en funcionamiento un total de 2.169 MW eólicos y en fase de ejecución se encuentran otros 485 MW.
Según informó la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, durante el año 2007, con la puesta en marcha de 684 MW, la región incrementó un 112 por ciento la potencia eólica instalada con respecto a 2006, cuando en España, el crecimiento medio fue inferior al 15 por ciento. Aumento que continuó en Andalucía en 2008 cuando se produjo un incremento cercano al 47por ciento mientras que en el país, el crecimiento medio ese año se situó en el 10,6 por ciento. De esta forma, Andalucía lideró durante 2007 y 2008 el ránking de crecimiento eólico nacional.
La comunidad andaluza cuenta actualmente con 2.169,3 MW en funcionamiento. Por provincias destaca Cádiz que acumula el 51 por ciento de la potencia eólica instalada seguida de Almería con el 19 por ciento y Granada con el 14 por ciento.
Estos 2.169,3 MW se distribuyen en 104 parques estando 58 en la provincia de Cádiz con 1.093,3 MW, 14 en Málaga con 221 MW de potencia instalada, 16 en Almería con 412,7 MW, diez en Granada con 309,3 MW, tres en Huelva con 44,2 MW, dos en la provincia de Sevilla con 73,6 MW y uno en Jaén con una potencia instalada de 15,2 MW.
Con esta potencia se evita la emisión a la atmósfera de más de 1,9 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono (CO2), el equivalente a retirar de la circulación más de 775.500 vehículos. Este tipo de energía renovable, junto a la fotovoltaica, experimentó un mayor crecimiento en los últimos años, hasta suponer el 58 por ciento de la potencia eléctrica renovable.
En fase de ejecución y puesta en marcha existen 485,64 MW distribuidos en 17 parques, siete de ellos en Huelva, uno en Almería, cuatro en Granada, dos en Cádiz, dos en Málaga y uno en Sevilla.
La Agencia Andaluza de la Energía indicó que con las cifras de instalaciones en construcción, y utilizando ratios del sector, se está generando actividad que ocupará a unas 2.900 personas durante un año.
Recientemente, la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa adjudicó 500 nuevos megavatios dentro de la Orden de 29 de febrero de 2008, por la que se regula el procedimiento para la priorización en la tramitación del acceso y conexión a la red eléctrica en Andalucía, para la evacuación de la energía de las instalaciones de generación que utilicen como energía primaria la energía eólica.
Andalucía cuenta con el recién creado Centro Tecnológico Avanzado de Energías Renovables (CTAER), donde un pilar básico serán las instalaciones de I+D, que en lo referente al sector eólico, se ubicarán en el municipio de Tarifa (Cádiz). En ellas, se promoverá el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas en esta materia.
Dentro del sector de las energías renovables, la energía eólica es la de mayor implantación en España con 16.740 MW conectados a red, con unas previsiones de 20.000 MW en 2010, 30.000 MW en 2016 y 40.000 MW de eólica terrestre en 2020, más otros 5.000 MW de eólica marina. Los aerogeneradores están en continuo proceso de evolución, por lo que son muy necesarias las instalaciones de ensayo para probar las mejoras tecnológicas así como para la certificación de prestaciones de las nuevas máquinas. Las empresas españolas comparten liderazgo con empresas extranjeras y existe una gran demanda de proyectos de investigación colaborativa.
En cuanto a tecnología, en la actualidad Gamesa está fabricando torres de aerogeneradores en Linares (Jaén). En el Marquesado de Zenete, la empresa andaluza EOZEN, por su parte, instaló una fábrica de palas de aerogeneradores que supuso una inversión de 33,4 millones de euros de los cuales, la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo ha incentivado con 2,4 millones. En la Bahía de Cádiz, Aeroblade construirá una planta de diseño y fabricación de palas eólicas. Por su parte, la empresa Suzlon Energy, contempla la instalación de una planta para la fabricación de aerogeneradores en la localidad almeriense de Carboneras.
NEK Umwelttechnik AG
In the coastal area of Romania (Dobrodgea), between Baia in the North and Sibioara in the South, we carry out, since autumn 2006, by order of the Swiss Holding Company Eolica Dobrogea (Schweiz) AG, large scale wind measurements on almost 20 towers of 40 – 60 m height each. Together with the Romanian company C-Tech Srl. the company Eolica Dobrogea (Sdchweiz) AG has secured several sites on hills and tablelands in this area, which will allow the implementation of 45 – 55 wind farms with an estimated power between 15 – 65 MW each.
At present, there are more than 1,600 MW of wind power under development for which Eolica Dobrogea (Schweiz) AG has entrusted us with a general planning mandate. The local electrical infrastructure is ideal due to the fact that several electrical lines and substations with feed-in capacity exist nearby. The past wind measurements suggest values of 7.0 – 7.3 m/s at hub height. At present, we assume that all necessary grants for the realisation of the first few projects might be on hand in the first half of the year 2009.
More information about the Project Company Eolica Dobrogea (Schweiz) AG which holds on her part several other Projects Companies in Switzerland as well as in Romania is available under
In February 2008, the Spanish utility Iberdrola Renovables, S.A. purchased a part of the projectpipeline of the Rumanian projects. In this respect, about 50 projects in Dobrogea are henceforth exclusively developed for the Spanish world market leader.
Besides these projects we were entrusted by Eolica Dobrogea (Schweiz) AG with the surch for other suitable sites for the construction of wind parks in the region between Constanta on the Black Sea and the Bulgarian border. The first wind measurements began in autumn 2008.
Since 1999, our company develops a wind energy project through our Spanish subsidiary company NEK Eólica, S.L. in the Province of Cádiz, Spain. Except of the building authorisation, we received meanwhile all the necessary authorisations including the connection guarantee for the grid access and the purchase guarantee. The project has a size of 27.6 MW, from which 24.0 MW can be realized in a first phase. Today, we part from the principle that the construction may be started in summer 2009.
Since 2000 we develop another wind energy project, which is located in Puerto Real, Spain, nearby to the above described project. We have got the positive environmental impact certificate (DIA) as well as the permission for the amount of MW for this project in the Municipality’s Wind Zone Map. Today it is foreseen that this project with an installed power capacity of 24 MW can be realized approximately in the years 2010/2011. Meanwhile, we found a partner for this project who will be the futur operator and who has field the corresponding industrial development plan to the authorities. Thus, the receipt of the permits and the implementation of the project should be granted.
In the Harbour of Constanta, Romania, we carry out comprehensive wind measurements since several years. Based on our project-specific pre-working, the Port Authorities (CPA) have published a tender for the first large wind energy project in Romania in January 2006. Our company won this tender together with a Romanian partner and two other companies against several considerable competitors. At present the project is however blocked for political and legal reasons, caused by pending negotiations with the port authorities on their financial paying off.
Until clarifying the legal situation no further planning work is done. This half-offshore wind project in Constanta will hold a size of approx. 35 – 40 MW, distributed on 16 turbine locations. The type of turbine has not yet been defined.
In the Harbour of Midia, Romania, which is located north of Constanta, we carry out wind measurements on a 40 m tower since April, 2006. Similar to the Constanta project, we intend to plan and later to construct here a semi-offshore wind farm as well. The turbines will be located on the breakwater that leads far out into the Black Sea. Wind conditions seem to be similar to those in the harbour of Constanta, what means that we can expect mean annual wind speeds of v ≥ 6.8 m/s at hub height.
After having tried for years to develop a wind energy project in Sri Lanka, we are now on the brink of starting a first relevant wind measuring campaign: On the peninsula of Kalpitiya in the northwest of the island, a unique tourism project is to be developed, which will be strongly supplied with renewable energies. The latter is obvious because the closest power line lies in a distance of approximately 45 km from the location. Apart from wind energy, a geothermal power plant (HDR), solar cells, bio energies and a gas plant for peak power coverage are planned as well. The fresh water supply will take place by means of seawater desalination.
For this purpose renewable energies will be used as well. But, the project has been stopped some time ago due to the ongoing disturbances. We currently (1. quarter 2009) conduct negotiations with the departments concerned regarding this project in order to resume planning work again.
As of spring 2009, two interesting energy projects will be developed in England: Both in Redcar at the east coast and in East Lancashire in the west, there will be developed, realized and operated environmentally compatible horse race courses with appropriate facilities. The turf has to be treated by using geothermal power in such a manner that horse races will be possible during the bigger part of the year. Therefore, a combination of conventional lawn heating systems and geothermal heat will be implemented. Beside that, the facilities are to be supplied lastingly with renewable energy. For this purpose, appropriate studies and measurements will be accomplished starting in winter 2008/09.
In Ghana, our two wind energy projects in the port of Tema (approx. 2.5 MW) as well as east of it between Kpone and Prampram (approx. 52 MW) are on good way. A majority of the necessary work is settled by our local co-workers in Accra. We hope that we will be ready to achieve all the permits durgin the coming months in order to be able to begin with the financing related work for this project.
North of Johannesburg, in South Africa, a huge tourist centre is under construction which comprises, among others, a 18-whole golf course. The owners aim to generate as much as possible of the needed energy with sustainable methods and at the same time to leave a minor CO2-footprint. Therefore, we will conduct there some wind and solar measurements starting from autumn 2008 in order to verify whether those sources of energy provide a possible energy supply for that project.
In spring 2009 we will install wind measurment masts on the east cost of Malaysia for investigating the potential of wind energy. We’ve got this task in connection with the sustainable development of the Pahang-Region.
This May 2009 we’ll start a new wind measurement campaign in Kosovo. First clarification showed some possible locations which are suited for wind energy development. Because of the lack of reliable data, we will install wind measurement stations at 8 – 10 locations throughout the country. The aim of this analysis is producing wind resource maps that offer a basis for potential investors or operators of wind farms to make decision about investment. This project is funded by REPIC, a Swiss governmental institution for promotion of renewable energy.
On behalf of various investors we accomplish consistently due diligences for the acquisition of both wind energy and solar- and solarthermal projects. The projects are in different stages of development and are located in several countries. The due diligences we achieve form an important basis of decisionmaking for the investors. By means of the results they are able to judge whether or not they shall acquire a project.