RP Global construirá un parque eólico en Polonia de 50 MW

RP Global, empresa de energías renovables de capital hispano-austriaco, construirá un parque eólico en Tychowo (Polonia) con una potencia instalada de 50 Megavatios (MW) y cuyo coste total asciende a 77 millones de euros, informó la compañía en un comunicado.

Para la construcción del parque, que estará operativo en otoño de este año, el Banco Europeo de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo y el Banco Comercial Millennium Group, han concedido un crédito a la compañía de 51 millones de euros, de manera que cada entidad aportará 25,5 millones de euros.

Según ha señalado el director financiero de la compañía, José Lozano, RP Global prevé continuar a lo largo de este año la puesta en marcha del resto de los proyectos de energías renovables anunciados, principalmente hidroeléctricas y de viento, tanto en Polonia como en el resto de los países en los que está presente.

La potencia instalada en Polonia es de sólo 442MW (a finales de 2008), y hay 11 parques eólicos en costrucción. En 2010 deberá haber unos 2.000 MW, según los planes del gobierno.

EBRD supports wind farm project in Poland

Financial package to promote generation of green energy

The EBRD has signed a PLN 125.9 million (€29 million)-loan agreement to support a wind farm project in Tychowo, northern Poland, with a generation capacity of 50MW of “green energy”. The wind farm is expected to start operation in December this year.

Total project cost will amount to PLN 346 million (€79 million) and will be co-financed by the EBRD and the bcp Millennium Group. The recipient of the funds is Megawatt Baltica Sp z o.o., a subsidiary of the international hydro and wind project developer and investor RP GLOBAL.

Poland has significant need for new power generation capacity. The country to a large extent still depends on coal and lignite and many power plants are approaching the end of their operational life. This and the implementation of EU environmental standards means that by 2025 Poland will have to replace up to 35 percent of its present power generation capacity.

Renewable sources of energy are thus becoming more and more important. Producers of renewable energy benefit from obligatory off-take and receive a “green certificate” for each MWh produced. Any company supplying energy to an end-user in Poland has to buy these certificates which is making the generation of “green energy” more attractive by creating additional revenues for the producers.

Nandita Parshad, EBRD Director, Power & Energy Utilities, said: “We strongly support this project because it combines the development of renewables as alternative sources of energy with market-based financial solutions. Under the current financial conditions the EBRD’s contribution is crucial to the financing of this project. In the long term, however, we expect the success of the Tychowo wind farm to play a critical role in stimulating the development of the energy market in Poland.”

Jose Lozano, CFO of RP GLOBAL, said: “The project is strong evidence of what is possible even in extremely adverse market conditions in a joint and constructive effort of the parties involved. The EBRD and bcp Millennium, our main suppliers, the off-taker and our hard working team have made a big effort to make the closing possible. We sincerely hope that the example of the successful Tychowo financing will encourage other lenders and investors to go ahead with their projects and we expect to be able to successfully close our next upcoming wind and hydro projects in Poland and other markets later this year.”

The support of sustainable energy through financing and promoting the more efficient use of energy and alternative forms of power generation is one of the EBRD’s key goals. Since the adoption of its Sustainable Energy Initiative in 2006 the Bank has invested more than €2.7 billion in more than 160 projects.

RP Global is a privately owned IPP (Independent Power Producer), developer and investor in renewable energies, mainly in hydro and wind power, with some 30 projects in Spain, Portugal, Turkey, France, Poland, Croatia and Chile in operation and construction, as well as numerous others under development.

Following twenty years of specialization in hydropower activities RP Global has diversified into wind energy projects in 2002. Since then RP Global also has expanded into a number of additional regions like CEE, the Mediterranean and Latin America with new projects both in hydropower and more recently in wind energy.


RP Global Poland Sp. z o.o., formerly Gigawatt Polska (Windpol) Sp. z o.o., has been active in the Polish market since 2005 and is developing a portfolio of wind park projects beyond 600 MW, with appxroximately 100 MW under construction.


RP Global Spain S.A., formerly known as OMMHSA S.A., has been active on the Spanish market since 1984. As the second arm of the Group’s headquarters it is focused on financing, project financing, human resources and asset management. RP Global Spain S.A. also oversees local operation and maintenance services for a 46 MW small hydro portfolio as well as business development in Spain (approximately 50 MW wind and 10 MW small-hydro projects with currently 2 projects under construction) and Latin America.

Overview of Electricity Supply in Poland

The business environment in Poland is generally good. The Polish power generation system is the largest in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of capacity. The power system is very fragmented, with nearly 400 power plants. Electricity generation is carried out by the state-owned Polish Power Grid Company SA (PSE) and a number of independent power producers (IPPs), which are partly owned by private companies. Over 97 percent of power generation is coal-fired, but there is potential for energy from renewable sources, particularly biomass and geothermal energy. Transmission is also controlled by PSE. The Polish power sector is set for gradual deregulation in line with European Union directives.

Industry-based power generation for internal use in Poland accounts for about eight billion kWh annually, of which more than six billion kWh is produced from combined-heat-and-power (CHP) cogeneration. Nearly 16 billion kWh is generated annually from district heating CHP plants. Overall, more than 15 percent of Poland’s total electricity generation is generated in conjunction with heat.

Poland’s generating capacity is aging. Much of the current equipment was installed in the 1970s, and modernization efforts are required to maintain capacity and efficiency.

Additionally, there are plans to expand the existing transmission and distribution networks. These investments in the electricity industry are estimated to cost around $50 billion over the next 15 years. Much of this cost, though, is proposed to be covered in the process of privatization.

Energy Policy, Barriers and Incentives

The Development Strategy of Renewable Energy Sector was adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Poland in August 2001.

The strategic objective is the increase the share of energy from renewable sources in Poland’s primary energy balance to 7.5 percent in 2010 and to 14 percent in 2020.

The Minister of Economy may, in the way of an ordinance impose on the energy enterprises dealing with trade of electric energy and heat, the obligation to purchase electric energy and heat produced by unconventional sources including renewable sources, and determine the detailed scope of this obligation.

Recently, new regulations from the Ministry of Economy oblige power utilities and energy turnover companies to buy energy from renewable sources. This year the limit is set at 2.5 percent of total produced and sold energy. To catch up with the European Union standards Poland needs to install more than 1,000MW.


Due to excellent wind conditions and legal regulations, Poland is one of the most promising wind energy markets in Europe. The country possesses plenty of potentially profitable locations and great development possibilities.

Much of Poland has favorable conditions for wind energy production. The average wind speed in Poland varies between 5.5 and 7.0 m/s at a height of 50 meters. Assessed productivity of one 2MW machine may be equal to as much as 5.000 MWh per year.

A country wide wind-atlas is available. According to this atlas there is one area in the northwest with wind speeds above 6 m/s at 10m. The Baltic coast, one large central area and an area to the north show wind speeds of 5 m/s.

The best sites are in the southern mountainous region and along the Baltic coast. The wind resources range from more than 1,000 kW/m2/year near the Baltic coast to less than 400 kW/m2/year in the center of the country. In the mountain range some sites are said to have high average wind velocities (10 m/s) due to local conditions.

Recently, the Risoe National Laboratory from Denmark widened the geographical scope of wind estimates in the European Wind Atlas to now include Poland. Risoe’s estimates indicate that wind conditions along the Pomeranian Coastline are similar to those in Denmark and the Netherlands. In Central Poland, wind resources are very similar to those found in Germany.


The installed capacity in Poland is ~442MW (on 26.11.2008). 11 professional projects may be listed among the investments. There are also single turbines or groups of a number of small turbines distributed among the whole country. The average capacity of a wind turbine located in Poland is approximately 1,52 MW.

Wind energy density in Poland is one of the smallest in Europe. Installed capacity per capita is 0,0037 kW, whereas per km2 of land area the figure amounts to 0,45 kW.


– 2004: 142,3 GWh,
– 2005: 135,3 GWh,
– 2006: 388,4 GWh
– 2007: 494,2 GWh

Share of wind generation in domestic consumption of electric energy:
– 2004: 0,1% (142 GWh/ 144 TWh),
– 2005: 0,09% (135 GWh/ 145 TWh),
– 2006: 0,16% (245,5GWh/ 149TWh).

Government plans for year 2010:
– 2000 MW of installed capacity,
– 2,3% share of wind generation in domestic energy consumption,
– Power growth required in the period 2006 – 2010: over 1800 MW, i.e. approximately 450 MW of new installations per year.

In terms of installed power Poland is not visible on the world map yet. We are far behind Germany, the USA, Spain, Denmark, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Greece, Sweden, Ireland…. But Poland have a significant development potential!


